Behold the embodiment of the root chakra in a mesmerizing threaded masterpiece. A female avatar emerges, her face adorned with vibrant shades of reds, browns, oranges, and pinks. Each intricately woven thread represents the grounding strength and stability of the root chakra. Her presence exudes resilience and grace, while her eyes hold the wisdom and passion of ancient lands and her lips emanate vitality and sensuality. This artwork celebrates the profound connection between feminine energy and the root chakra, reminding us of our own innate strength and the nurturing power of Mother Earth.

This series of works revolves around the concept of chakras, where I've depicted the image of a black woman through the lens of a chakra avatar. These representations have been showcased on canvases intricately crafted with meticulously cut threads.

Year: 2023

Size: 76.2 x 76.2cm

Medium: Thread on Canvas

Technique: Thread Blending and Thread Suturing

 Price: £6,000


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